Let your face smile with rhinoplasty surgery
Let your face smile with rhinoplasty surgery


Ear aesthetic surgery, also known as otoplasty, pinnaplasty or ear pinning, is the process of bringing prominent or large ears to a flatter position. Ear plastic surgeons reduce the size or change the position of the ears by reshaping the cartilages. This operation can also correct overly large earlobe, shell ear and lop ear conditions. There are various methods for performing ear aesthetic surgery. The most common cosmetic ear procedures are as follows:

Cartilage Cutting
The surgeon makes an incision behind the ear and cuts the cartilage.
Cartilage Folding
Instead of cutting the cartilage, the surgeon can remove, fold, and reshape the skin by suturing it.
Cochlear Implants

In addition to these procedures, Health Life also offers cochlear implants, a small, complex electronic device that helps to provide a sensory sense to a person with profound hearing loss. Cochlear implants are very different from hearing aids. Hearing aids amplify sounds that can be perceived by damaged ears. Cochlear implants directly stimulate the auditory nerve, bypassing damaged portions of the ear.

Make a decision to have an examination by a specialist physician.

As a result of the necessary examination, wouldn't you like to have the necessary procedures performed after you have determined the most suitable solution for you with your doctor and satisfied it? You can meet a physician who will understand you and explain your wishes in your native language, or you can fully explain your wishes with the support of a translator.

Appointment and Travel Plan

It is important to determine the necessary periods for treatment based on the interview with our specialists. Thus, we determine the duration of your stay in Turkiye and plan your transactions such as accommodation and transfer completely.

Flight plan

Let's talk about the details about your treatment process and schedule your flight on dates suitable for you together.

Hotel reservation

Accommodation opportunity in suitable locations upon your request.

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